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 Betty Page hospitalisée

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 6607
Date de naissance : 30/06/1958
Age : 66
Localisation : Pirey vers Besançon puis un jour : Memphis
emploi : Monteur/règleur sur presses
Loisirs : Rock'n'roll,bringues,guitare et chant
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2007

Betty Page hospitalisée Empty
MessageSujet: Betty Page hospitalisée   Betty Page hospitalisée EmptyDim 07 Déc 2008, 12:51

Coucou, les amis. Et tout d'abord, je ne sais pas si j'ai pris la bonne adresse dans le forum pour poster ce sujet. Merci de le mettre à la bonne place au cas où !!! Aussi je m'excuse pour toi ma Betty car je sais que tu l'aime beaucoup.sorry Mais ce matin, quand j'ai lu l' Est répubicain , j'ai vu un encart qui disait que le mannequin des années 50, Betty Page a été hospitalisé en soins intensifs à l'age de 85 ans suite à une attaque cardiaque à LOS ANGELES et qu'elle est dans un état critique. C'est tout ce que je peux dire pour l'instant. Si quelq'un a des news à ce sujet, merci de poster ici. Re-bon dimanche, à vous. Tom.
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Betty Page hospitalisée Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Betty Page hospitalisée   Betty Page hospitalisée EmptyDim 07 Déc 2008, 13:19

Merci Tom pour l'info....

Rien de plus pour le moment.....

Bettie Page hospitalisée
05-12-2008 | 20h29

L'ancienne pin up Bettie Page a été hospitalisée en soins intensifs après une attaque cardiaque intervenue à Los Angeles,
a indiqué vendredi son agent, Mark Roesler.

Le mannequin de 85 ans est dans un état critique, d'après lui.

Page est considérée comme un élément moteur de la révolution sexuelle des années 1960 aux Etats-Unis.
Ses photos sensuelles en bikinis et lingerie dans les magazines étaient souvent punaisées dans les dortoirs
des casernes, les garages et les cabines de camions.

Source :::

Betty Page hospitalisée Bettie

Betty Page hospitalisée Bettiefoil1
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Betty Page hospitalisée Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Betty Page hospitalisée   Betty Page hospitalisée EmptyDim 07 Déc 2008, 13:23

merci TOM en plus je venais de poster des photos inedite,et j'y pensait hier je me disait elle est toujour vivante si je pouvais ne serais avoir un autographe et la voir avant qu'elle parte,sa m'atriste j'espere qu'elle va s'en sortir....
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Betty Page hospitalisée Empty

Betty Page hospitalisée L_edc610
MessageSujet: Re: Betty Page hospitalisée   Betty Page hospitalisée EmptyDim 07 Déc 2008, 13:40

heu oui désiolé pearly je voulais faire le copier coller de l'article sur son my space mais sa fonctionne pas alors je vous met l'adresse y'a un article dans ses blog et on peut y laisser un commentaire.

Dernière édition par betty haley le Dim 07 Déc 2008, 14:03, édité 1 fois
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Betty Page hospitalisée Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Betty Page hospitalisée   Betty Page hospitalisée EmptyDim 07 Déc 2008, 13:41

Betty, je vois rien..... y'a que des codes !???? :lol!:
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Betty Page hospitalisée Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Betty Page hospitalisée   Betty Page hospitalisée EmptyDim 07 Déc 2008, 14:51

Poor Bettie had a heart attack

..TR itxtvisited="1">
LOS ANGELES -- Bettie Page, a 1950s pinup known for her raven-haired bangs and saucy come-hither looks, was hospitalized in intensive care after suffering a heart attack, her agent said Friday.

"She's critically ill," Mark Roesler of CMG Worldwide told The Associated Press.

He said the 85-year-old had the heart attack Tuesday and was hospitalized Friday in the Los Angeles area.

A family friend, Todd Mueller, said Page was in a coma. When asked to confirm, Roesler said, "I would not deny that." Roesler would not comment further on her condition.

Page, a secretary turned model, is credited with helping set the stage for the sexual revolution of the rebellious 1960s. She attracted national attention with magazine photographs of her sensuous figure that were tacked up on walls across the country.

Roesler said CMG has represented some of biggest celebrities over the decades, and that Page has been "one of our biggest clients. She's right up there with Marilyn Monroe."

Page's photos included a centerfold in the January 1955 issue of then-fledgling Playboy magazine, as well as controversial sadomasochistic poses.

She later spent decades away from the public eye, and during that time battled mental illness and became a born-again Christian.

After resurfacing in the 1990s, she occasionally granted interviews but refused to allow her picture to be taken.

Mueller credits his business dealings with Page for bringing her out of seclusion. He said he first met her in 1989 when he offered her "a bunch of money" to show up at autograph signings.

"I probably sold 3,000 of her autographs, usually for $200 to $300," he said. "Eleanor Roosevelt, we got $40-$50. ... Bettie Page outsells them all."
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Betty Page hospitalisée Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Betty Page hospitalisée   Betty Page hospitalisée EmptyDim 07 Déc 2008, 14:56

les nouvelles du 28 fevrier n'étaient déja pas bonnes
elle était allitée,ne pouvait plus se lever.....
mais les lettres et cartes qu'elle recevait des fans lui donnait du bonheur.....
From: Tribute Queen Bettie
Date: Feb 28, 2008 10:26 PM

Hi fans! I hope this finds all of you doing well. I promised you that when I found out some news about Bettie and her health condition I would post it for you as soon as I could. I'm so sad and so sorry that this is the news that I have for all of you. It brought tears to my eyes. And please know that I get my information from a very informed and well known source. If you have been keeping up with my bulletins then you know that Bettie is no longer in the hospital. She is in a nursing home and has been assigned a social worker. The word is that the social worker decided that it was time to be completely forth coming about Bettie's health condition. He reported that Bettie is completely bedridden and she will probably not ever be walking again. She is being fed with a feeding tube. He said our best hope and that is a slim one, is that she might eventually get well enough to get in a wheel chair but in all likelihood she won't be
around that long. He admitted that she has good days but for the most
part they are bad days. She is very weak and can talk but only in a
whisper and he has to put his ear to her mouth to hear her and then he
can only understand about half of what she is saying. Overall he said
she is in decline. The good news is she is aware of the fan letters
and cards that everyone has been sending to her and that they bring a smile to her face. This is not the news that I wanted to hear and i'm sure that it saddens anyone that reads this. It's so hard for me to type this because I can't stop crying. Since I started on this tribute profile I feel that I have become closer in a sense to Bettie. I see her face and read and write about her everyday, all throughout the day so much that I have dreams about her sometimes. I so enjoy giving my words and her pictures and videos to you, her fans, everyday. I hope that it makes you as happy as it makes me. All we can do is just put her in our prayers and hope that she is not suffering. We wouldnt want that for our Queen. Take care fans! ?

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Nombre de messages : 3100
Date de naissance : 29/03/1968
Age : 56
Localisation : Cleveland-USA
emploi : Rockabilly Wife to Supprime-man
Loisirs : Eddie, Gene and my Husband!
Date d'inscription : 18/03/2006

Betty Page hospitalisée Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Betty Page hospitalisée   Betty Page hospitalisée EmptyDim 07 Déc 2008, 18:04

OK! Voici l'episode que j'ai rate (ben oui, je suis d'abord passe par le bar alavotre ... apres les News... oups ).. Et bien pas drole... surtout a 85 ans!

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Betty Page hospitalisée Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Betty Page hospitalisée   Betty Page hospitalisée Empty

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