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FORUM Rock'n'roll 50's, Rockabilly, Hillbilly... Clothes, Cars, Flyers, all Forties and Fifties
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MessageSujet: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptySam 02 Fév 2008, 22:30

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Nombre de messages : 170
Date de naissance : 15/02/1965
Age : 59
Localisation : hermanville /mer
emploi : cuisinier
Loisirs : a votre avis
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2007

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyDim 03 Fév 2008, 10:09

salut bebop merci pour le medley de WYNONIE HARRIS cest l un de mes preferer avec roy brown et joe turner ca musique elle donne envie de danser all the night je ne sais pas pourquoi il na pas eu plus de succes
bon dimanche


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MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyDim 03 Fév 2008, 11:29

salut Lockus,il est balaise le Harris,ca claque.....
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Nombre de messages : 170
Date de naissance : 15/02/1965
Age : 59
Localisation : hermanville /mer
emploi : cuisinier
Loisirs : a votre avis
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2007

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyDim 03 Fév 2008, 12:48

slt bebop j ai le coffret proper qui vas de 1944 a 1950 et des 45 il y aussi smiley lewis aussi en fait moi je suis passionner de blue shouter en autre

cest fabuleux mais il tapez un dans la gourde le copain !!!
et je crois qu il a fini barman dans un bistrot cest triste avec un telle talent et en plus c est le premier soit disant elvis the pelvis
car il parait qu il avait un jeux de scene fabuleux mais je n est jamais rien vu de lui a part ca musique c est deja pas si mal

a plus lockus
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MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyDim 03 Fév 2008, 14:41

Sam. 09. Fév.CAUVILLE (14)Le Soubock les BLUE HEARTED BOYS j'y serai normalement
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Boogie boy
Méga Rockin
Méga Rockin
Boogie boy

Nombre de messages : 4402
Date de naissance : 29/01/1971
Age : 53
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2007

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyLun 04 Fév 2008, 13:03

Cool Bebop tes archives!
Le rythm n' blues,c'est quelque chose ...tous ces gars n'ont certainement pas plus cartonnés parcequ'ils etaient "blacks"...encore que quelques uns s'en soient bien tirés.
Mais par exemple Bunker Hill etait encore plus puissant que Little Richard,ce qui n'est pas peu je ne pense pas qu'il soit tellement reconnu.
Au niveau du jeu de scene ...dommage qu'il n'y ait pas beaucoup d'archives...mais il parait que T.Bone Walker(la reference de Chuck Berry) etait fantastique...The Pelvis n'a certainement pas ete le premier a arracher sur scene...disons plutot le premier blanc ...a la TV.

Dernière édition par Boogie boy le Jeu 14 Mai 2020, 19:11, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyLun 04 Fév 2008, 13:44

je ne connais pas beaucoup de choses sur T.BONE mais pour moi ca sonne comme du Berry avant l'heure.donc il n'y aurait pas que les blancs qui auraient "pillés" les noirs.l'argent n'a pas de couleur.Pour Bunker Hill ,le son black est du a LINK wray.....donc rien n'est acquis.Bloodhsoot eyes le tube de Harris a été ecrit par Hank Penny.Blueberry hill ....pareil.a chacun de juger....
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Nombre de messages : 170
Date de naissance : 15/02/1965
Age : 59
Localisation : hermanville /mer
emploi : cuisinier
Loisirs : a votre avis
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2007

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyLun 04 Fév 2008, 14:34

slt du moment que cela envoie le gaz et que tu a envie de tapez pied et de t eclater que cela soit blanc ou noir moi je m en tape. les origines sont naturellement noir mais ce qui est magique dans le rock n roll c est ce melange detonant de rhythm de pussance et de sensibiliter qui sen degage apres les cover fait par l un et l autre du moment quelle ne soit pas inferieur a l originale ou quelle apporte quelque de nouveaux

ce n est que du bohneur pour l auditeur

quand on voie ce qu a fait elvis avec les chanson arthur crudup ou burnette avec joe turner ou tiny bradshaws
ou meme buddy gene aussi et meme little richard avec les standart de jazz il les on magnifier et les on chanter avec leur personnalite et leur fouge d adoslescent elle est pas l histoire!!!!

rock n roll will never die

keep rockin !!!!
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MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyLun 04 Fév 2008, 17:05

qu'importe le flacon pourvu qu'on aient l'ivresse.WYNONIE HARRIS Malcom10WYNONIE HARRIS Louis_10
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Boogie boy
Méga Rockin
Méga Rockin
Boogie boy

Nombre de messages : 4402
Date de naissance : 29/01/1971
Age : 53
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2007

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyLun 04 Fév 2008, 17:25

Tout le monde etait influencé par tout le monde en gros ...noir ou blanc,c'est vrai que ça n'a pas d'importance du moment que c'est bon...ça s'est passé tellement vite tout ça!
Mais c'est vrai que personnellement,j'ai decouvert les covers avant les originaux ce fait peut etre,j'aurai toujours un penchant pour ces rockers blancs qui ont bercés mon adolescence (c'est sentimental,nonWYNONIE HARRIS Lol)

Mais j'adore le black ...en fait j'en ecoute beaucoup.Y'a autant a decouvrir que dans le rockabilly,il nous faudrait 9 vies!

Je viens de decouvrir un document sur le coffret "blues" par Martin Scorsese,ou Ike Turner se moque gentiment de Sam Phillips (en fait il est carrement mort de rire ...a ce propos justement. Sam declarant que les blancs auraient "Emprunté" le feeling black. Et Turner mort de rire,n'a pas l'air de cet avis...c'est le mot "emprunté" qui le fait rire.Sam prends un air super vexé et lui dit "c'est pas bien,tu me fais passer pour un con".
En fait,tout ça est bon enfant car les deux hommes ont vraiment l'air de se respecter et de s'aimer vraiment.
D'ailleurs Turner reconnait qu'il n'a jamais ressenti chez Sun ne serait ce qu'un semblant de segregation et qu'il se sentait libre dans ce studio.

Si vous aimez le blues,c'est un bon ya 7 ce volume s'appelle "la route de Memphis".

Dernière édition par Boogie boy le Jeu 14 Mai 2020, 19:13, édité 1 fois
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Boogie boy
Méga Rockin
Méga Rockin
Boogie boy

Nombre de messages : 4402
Date de naissance : 29/01/1971
Age : 53
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2007

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyLun 04 Fév 2008, 17:27

[quote="bebopcapitol"]qu'importe le flacon pourvu qu'on aient l'ivresse.WYNONIE HARRIS Malcom10WYNONIE HARRIS Louis_10

Voila une bonne formule.
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Nombre de messages : 170
Date de naissance : 15/02/1965
Age : 59
Localisation : hermanville /mer
emploi : cuisinier
Loisirs : a votre avis
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2007

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyLun 04 Fév 2008, 18:31

au moins toute le monde est d accord est pourvu que le flacons soit bien plein

bon lundi soir

moi aussi les rockers blanc ont bercer et berce encore mes oreille de leur douce melodie mais comme je suis curieux
je me suis mis a rechercher quelle avait leur influence musical
et je me suis plonger dans le rythm and blue and co
mais le chemin est long elle faudrait plus de 9 vie comme tu dis pour tous connaitre et tout assimiler c est pour ça que j aime ça car ca vas a l infini dans toutes les directions possible

allez keep rockin !!!!!
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Boogie boy
Méga Rockin
Méga Rockin
Boogie boy

Nombre de messages : 4402
Date de naissance : 29/01/1971
Age : 53
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2007

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyLun 04 Fév 2008, 22:10

C'est une bonne demarche que d'essayer de connaitre ce que nos rockers ecoutaient eux meme puis,ça ouvre des horizons.C'est vrai qu'on a jamais fini de decouvrir.
Good Rockin'
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Nombre de messages : 170
Date de naissance : 15/02/1965
Age : 59
Localisation : hermanville /mer
emploi : cuisinier
Loisirs : a votre avis
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2007

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyMar 05 Fév 2008, 15:20


la curiosite est un vilain defaut poil au dos !!!!!!

qui cest qui VAS a cauville samedi ??????
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Méga Rockin
Méga Rockin

Nombre de messages : 1253
Date de naissance : 23/03/1971
Age : 53
Localisation : Strasbourg (67)
emploi : auxiliare puericultrice
Loisirs : Musique, aller à des concerts avec des gens sympa ,couture,lecture ECT
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2008

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyJeu 18 Sep 2008, 07:56

Voila les ami(e)s quelques petites infos sur un précurseur du R'N'R
Amitié PATSY

Wynonie HARRIS

Wynonie HARRIS « Mister blues » est né le 24 septembre 1915 à OMAHA NEBRASKA USA et décédé le 14 juin 1969 à Los Angeles.

Wynonie a été un chanteur de Rhythm'n'blues, Jump Blues il est considéré comme le précurseur du Rock'n'roll.

Partenaire de danse de Velda SHANON Wynonie HARRIS a formé une troupe de danse au début des années 1930.La troupe connut un succès dans la communauté artistique du nord de OMAHA.

En 1934 au sommet de la gloire ils se produisent au RITZ THEATER, toutefois Wynonie HARRIS gagne sa vie comme comique.

C'est en 1935 que HARRIS et SHANNON sont engagés par Jim BELL au nouvel établissement et c'est à cet endroit que Wynonie HARRIS à chanté pour la première fois.

C'est à cette période que Harris voyage fréquemment à KANSAS CITY ou il accorde une attention à la grande SHOUTERS BLUES de l'époque avec Jimmy RUSHING et Big Jo TURNER.

Wynonie HARRIS devient une célébrité » locale à OMAHA au cours de 1935.

En 1940 il déménage avec sa famille à LOS ANGELES étant que CENTRAL AVENUE était devenu un pôle pour musiciens.

Wynonie HARRIS se produit régulièrement au Big Break établissement tenu par Curtis MOSBY c'est ici que Wynonie HARRIS est surnommé Mister Blues.

En raison de l'embargo sur le temps de guerre Wynonie n a pas été en mesure de mener sa carrière comme il le songer.

Au lieu de se retiré, il continu et crée des apparences musicales personnelles

En 1943 il se produit au RHUMBOOGIE club et c'est la qu'il a été repéré par LUCKY MILLINDER

qui lui demande de rejoindre son orchestre pour une tournée.

Wynonie les rejoint le 24 mars 1944.

Le 7 avril 1944 Wynonie prends les devant de la scène avec L'orchestre de MILLINDER à l'APOLLO Theater de HARLEM avec comme chanson Who Threw the Whiskey in the Well chanson enregistré deux ans plus tôt par Doc WEELER.

Après leur passage à l'Apollo, ils ont un contrat avec le SAVOY Ballroom à HARLEM, c'est à cette période que Preston LOVE ami d'enfance de Wynonie rejoint l'orchestre de MILLINDER et remplace le saxophoniste Tab SMITH.

Le 26 mai 1944 Wynonie fait ses premiers enregistrements avec Lucky MILLINDER & his Orchestra avec "Hury,Hury "et" Who Trew The Whiskey in to the Well "pour DECCA.

Wynonie HARRIS a sa côte de popularité qui a grimpé et en septembre 1945 il décide de se séparer de Lucky MILLINDER et faire une carrière en solo.

Harris retourne à LOS ANGELES et reprit son emploi au club ALABAM.

En 1945 DECCA sort le disque soit deux ans après l'avoir enregistré (guerre) une fois sortie ce titre fait l'effet d'une bombe.

Le 14 juillet 1945 il est classé number 1 au r'n'b chart pendant huit semaines et reste près de cinq mois dans le classement des charts.

Ce titre eut aussi un énorme succès auprès des auditeurs blancs exploit rare pour les chanteurs et musiciens noirs à l'époque.

Ce titre ouvrit pas mal de porte à Wynonie Harris en CALIFORNIE.

En juillet 1945 Wynonie HARRIS signe un contrat avec PHILO un label détenu par les frères Leo et Edward MESNER Wynonie Harris y enregistre Around the Clock cette chanson devenant populaire fut reprit par de nombreux artistes tel que : Jo Jo ADAMS,Willie BRYANT Jimmy RUSHING et Big Jo TURNER.

En janvier 1946 Wynonie HARRIS revient à OMAHA pour la première fois depuis 1940

Wynonie HARRIS s'installe avec sa famille à New-York pour des sessions d'enregistrements avec d'autres labels y compris APOLLO, BULLET ET ALADDIN

Ses plus grands succès sont

Good rocking tonight

Good morning judge

Bloddshot Eyes

All she want to do is rock

Entre 1954 et 1964 il a signé plusieurs contrats dont en 1960 avec Roulette Reccord pour six sessions ou il reprend Bloodshot Eyes ainsi que Sweet Lucy Brown, Saturday night,Josephine, Did you get the Message.

En 1946 il enregistre pour la dernière fois avec CHESS LABEL à Chicago

The Comeback

Buzzard Lucky


Sa dernière performance a été à L'APOLLO en novembre 1967 ou il joua avec son héros Big Jo TURNER ,Big Mama Thornton, Jimmy WITHERSPOON, et T-Bone WALKER

Il décède le 14 juin 1969 d'un cancer de l'œsophage

OH Babe

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MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyJeu 18 Sep 2008, 10:22


WYNONIE HARRIS Line_a_pastel_a

Wynonie Harris was born in Omaha in 1920, and very little is known
about his early life. He actually started his musical career as a dancer and
later joined the Lucky Millinder band in the mid forties. His first
release was in 1944, "Who Threw The Whiskey in the Well" on the Decca
Record Label, featuring a young Preston Love on sax. It quickly
climbed to #4 on the national charts. During this time, Harris
performed with such greats as Duke Ellington, Tommy Dorsey, Charlie
Barnnet, and Cab Calloway.
In 1947, after years of recording for Decca, Harris switched to Kin
Records and his career took off like a rocket. "Good Rockin' Tonight" hit
the top of the charts and was later recorded by Elvis Presley, which, by
the way, was Elvis' calling card to fame. Harris' recording career holds
64 separate releases and ran from 1944 to 1957. Most of his recordings
were stories of living it up and turned into big hits for him: "Drinkin Wine
Spo-Dee-O-Dee," (also recorded by Jerry Lee Lewis), "All She Wants To
Do Is Rock", "Bloodshot Eyes", and "Good Morning Judge" just to name a few.
Wynonie eventually made his home in Oakland, California where he tended
bar. When he found out he was dying, he called all his friends together
for one last party. He died in the summer of 1969
WYNONIE HARRIS Line_a_pastel_a
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MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyJeu 18 Sep 2008, 10:24

Mr. Blues : Wynonie Harris - part one©2006JCMarion
Wynonie Harris was born in July of 1915 in Omaha, Nebraska. In his teens he seemed to fit the cliche as a "born entertainer" around his home town . He was a singer, dancer, comedian, and drummer, but in a thoughtful moment in his life he decided to enter the field of medicine and so enrolled at Omaha's Creighton University as a pre-med student. Once he discovered the sound of the boogie woogie and blues stylings that were beginning to come into prominence in the mid thirties, medicine became an afterthought. He appeared around the Omaha area (at such spots as Bell's Club Harlem) and also spent some time in Kansas City which at the time was a hotbed of musical inspiration. About 1940 Harris decided to go West young man, and wound up in Los Angeles where the night club circuit was beginning to hit its stride along Central Avenue, the heart of the Black community.
After an appearance at Chicago's Rhumboogie in the early forties, he is heard by Lucky Millinder who was looking for a replacement for Sister Rosetta Tharpe as vocalist with the band. In the Spring of 1944 the Millinder band records "Who Threw The Whiskey In The Well" with Harris on vocal (Decca # 18674 with "Hurry Hurry" on the flip side). The record turns out to be a smash number one on the R & B charts. This gives Harris the push to go out as a solo artist. After leaving Millinder he records for Philo Records (soon to become Aladdin) in Los Angeles in the summer of 1945 with a combo led by Johnny Otis with "Around The Clock Blues - Parts 1 and 2" on # 103 which turned out to be his second top ten seller. The Johnny Otis band was often part of the line up at the Club Alabam, The Barrelhouse, and other legendary night spots along Central Avenue. Philo / Aladdin released "Cock-A-Doodle Doo" and "Yonder Goes My Baby" on # 104 followed in early 1946 by "Mr. Blues Jumped The Rabbit" and "Whiskey And Jelly Roll Blues" on # 171 as Wynonie uses his "Mr. Blues" nickname for which he is known throughout R & B circles. In November of the year "Rugged Road" and "Come Back Baby" are recorded on # 172. During the summer of 1947 Wynonie records "Big City Blues" and "Ghost Of A Chance" on # 196 followed by "Hard Ridin' Mama" and "You Got To Get Yourself A Job, Girl" on # 208. The next two years saw Harris record for a number of other independent labels starting with Apollo Records - "Young Man's Blues" / "Straighten Him Out" on # 360; "That's The Stuff You Gotta Watch" / "Baby Love" on # 361; "Somebody Changed The Lock On My Door" / "Wynonie's Blues" (which was a top seller on the R & B charts) on # 362; "She's Gone With The Wind" / "Here Comes The Blues" on # 363; "Poppa Treetop" / "Playful Baby" (another top ten seller) on # 372; "Everybody's Boogie" / "Time To Change Your Tune" on # 378; "Young And Wild" / "Take Me Out Of The Rain" on # 381; and "Rebecca's Blues" and "I Got A Lying Woman" on # 387. Harris also had a shot with Lionel Hampton's Hamp-Tone label and a couple of recordings for Nashville based Bullet Records - "Dig This Boogie" and the wonderfully named tune "Lightning Struck The Poor House" on # 251, and "Drinking By Myself" and "My Baby's Barrelhouse" on # 252.
In late 1947 Wynonie Harris decided to sign on with King Records owned by Syd Nathan and headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. His first effort for the label was "Wynonie's Boogie" and "Rose Get Your Clothes" (great title)! In early 1948 Harris took on his own version of a tune by a young R & B artist named Roy Brown that was originally offered to Harris. "Good Rockin' Tonight" was the clarion call of the coming revolution in the musical tastes of America and the world. It was released on King # 4210 (with "Good Morning Mr. Blues" on the other side) It was a huge seller and a number one on the R & B charts. This was followed by "Love Is Like Rain" / "Your Money Don't Mean A Thing" on # 4217,and another top ten R & B seller "Lollipop Mama" with "Blow Your Brains Out" on the flip side of #4226. Wynonie rocked into 1949 (which turned out to be a monster year for Mr. Blues) with "Blowing To California" and "Bite Again" on # 4252, followed by a huge double sided hit record "I Feel That Old Age Coming On" and "Grandma Plays The Numbers" on # 4276. Another top seller on the R & B charts for Harris was his version of "Drinking Wine Spoo-Dee-Oodie" (also a hit for Stick McGhee on Atlantic) with "She Just Won't Sell No More" on # 4292, and still another top seller - "I Want My Fanny Brown" and "All She Wants To Do Is Rock" on # 4303 with both sides charting in the top ten.
In January of 1950 Harris gets together with the Dud Bascomb Combo for an extended engagement in Philadelphia at the Club 421. That same month King releases "Sittin On It All The Time" and "Baby Shame On You" on # 4330. By February the record is a top seller on the West Coast especially in California, and hits the top ten nationally. In rapid fire succession, King releases another side by Harris in late February with "I Love My Baby's Pudding" (another national top ten hit) and "I Can't Take It No More" on # 4342. In March at the Royal Theater in Baltimore features Wynonie Harris with his old mentor Lucky Millinder and his orchestra. In April "I Love My Baby's Pudding" is a big seller in Georgia and Florida. In May Harris plays the Paradise Theater with Erskine Hawkins ("Tippin In")and his band. In June, Harris joins Annie Laurie, Stick McGhee, and the Eddie Durham band for a string of one nighters through the South and part of the Midwest. In July Harris records "Good Morning Judge"(a top ten seller with "Stormy Night Blues")on King # 4378 and it immediately sells big on the West coast. In October "Mr. Blues Is Coming To Town" and "I Want To Love You Baby" is released on King # 4402. In November Aladdin Records releases an LP called "Blues After Hours" featuring some tunes recorded earlier by Wynonie Harris. Later that same month Wynonie and Lucky Millinder get together for King Records with two new records. On # 4418 "Oh Babe" (a top ten hit, also recorded by Louis Prima) features a vocal by Harris with the flip side of "Silent George" features Myra Johnson on vocal. On # 4419 as listed by Lucky Millinder, Harris does the vocal on "Teardrops From My Eyes" ( a cover of Ruth Brown's Atlantic hit), while the flip side is "Please Open Your Heart" with vocal by Lee Richards. The year ends as "Oh Babe" becomes a big seller in both Dallas and Houston Texas.
Wynonie Harris starts off 1951 with a new record for King - "Put It Back" and "Triflin' Woman" on # 4415. This is followed in short order by "I Believe I'll Fall In Love" and "A Love Untrue" on # 4445 and "Just Like Two Drops Of Water" and "Tremblin" on #4448. In July Harris undertakes his first trip to the West coast in three years which features an appearance at the annual Cavalcade Of Jazz concert at L.A.'s Wrigley Field which will headline Lionel Hampton, and also feature Billy Eckstine, Joe Liggins, Roy Brown, and Percy Mayfield. The tour of one nighters will also feature Stick McGhee, Annie Laurie, and the band of Eddie Durham. In June "Tremblin" is a hot seller in Georgia and Northern Florida. In July "Confessin The Blues" and "(Don't Roll Those) Bloodshot Eyes (At Me)" on King # 4461 is released. "Eyes" is an immediate best seller along the West Coast especially in Los Angeles, and soon becomes another national top seller. Harris plays a week at the Earle Theater in Philadelphia with Lil Green and the Joe Thomas band. In late September King releases # 4468 with "Man Have I Got Troubles" and "I'll Never Give Up" as Wynonie continues his prolific recording career with the label. In November Harris headlines at the Regal in Chicago along with Mabel Scott and Gene "Jug" Ammons. In December Harris goes into the recording studio with the Todd Rhodes band and records "Lovin Machine" and "Luscious Woman" on # 4485. Wynonie closes out the year with an engagement at Detroit's famous Flame Show Bar.
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MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyJeu 18 Sep 2008, 10:25

Mr. Blues : Wynonie Harris - part two©2006JCMarion
The new year of 1952 starts out for Harris with a good chart reaction to "Lovin Machine" especially in the East in New York, Newark, and Philadelphia. It becomes Wynonie Harris' final national top ten best seller in the R & B field. In March, again with the Todd Rhodes band, Wynonie records "Here Comes The Night" and "My Playful Baby's Gone" (a sequel to his earlier hit on Apollo) on # 4507. The record begins to sell well on the West coast. In April Harris along with Larry Darnell and the Eddie Durham band ready a tour of one nighters through the Midwest and Texas and then end up in New York in June. Also in April, "Keep On Churning" and "Married Woman Stay Married" is released on King # 4526. In July "Keep On Churning" makes the R & B best sellers in New York. In early August Wynonie and Larry Darnell play a week at Baltimore's Royal Theater. In August Harris records a vocal version of the R & B standard "Night Train" with lyrics written by Wynonie himself. The flip side is "Do It Again, Please" on King # 4555. In November "Rot Gut" and "Greyhound" are released by King on # 4592. At year's end Wynonie Harris begins a tour with Peppermint Harris and Larry Darnell.
In late January of 1953 Wynonie once again teams with Larry Darnell and also Varetta Dillard and the Frank Humphries band for a tour of one nighters through the Mid-Atlantic states and the South to run through February and mid March. Coinciding with the start of he tour King Records releases # 4593 - "Bad News Baby" and "Bring It Back". Harris records an "answer record" to Ruth Brown's huge hit "Mama He Treats Your Daughter Mean". His tune is entitled "Mama Your Daughter Done Told A Lie On Me" for King on #4620 ("Wasn't That Good?" is on the flip side). In May, Wynonie Harris comes in second place among male blues singers in a poll conducted by the Pittsburgh Courier. In June the Gale Agency announces an all star R & B package tour to set out for two months during the summer. Headlining will be Ruth Brown along with Wynonie, Lester Young, The Clovers, Buddy Johnson and his band with Ella Johnson and Nolan Lewis, former heavyweight champion Joe Louis, and others. In June Harris and Larry Darnell go at it for a "Battle Of The Blues" in Delaware. In late June "The Deacon Don't Like It" and "Song Of The Bayou" on King # 4635 is released. When the big road show hits Cleveland it is promoted by Alan Freed and does huge box office in that city drawing over ten thousand to the Cleveland Arena. An older Harris record "Rot Gut" shows up on the top sellers charts in North Carolina. In an interesting double bill, Wynonie appears with Earl Hines at Philadelphia's Emerson's Grille in September, and the following month pairs with Varetta Dillard at New York's Apollo Theater. Also in November King issues "Please Louise" and "Nearer My Love To Thee" on # 4668.
In January of 1954 King releases "Quiet Whiskey" and "Down, Boy, Down" on # 4685. During the spring "Shake That Thing" and "Keep-A-Talking" on # 4716 hits the streets. In July Wynonie takes time to join others in paying tribute to long time radio personality Willie Bryant at Harlem's Baby Grand. In July "Don't Take My Whiskey Away From Me" and "I Get A Thrill" is released by King on # 4724. In September at Los Angeles Savoy Ballroom, Harris along with Lowell Fulson and the Floyd Dixon band play a well received extended appearance. At year's end King has one more side by Wynonie Harris - "All She Wants To Do Is Mambo" and "Christina" on # 4763. In February of 1955 Harris does another "mambo blues" - "Good Mambo Tonight" along with "Git To Gittin' Baby" on King # 4774. "Fishtail Blues" and "Mister Dollar" on # 4789 is out in late April, followed by "Git With The Grits" and "Drinking Sherry Wine" on # 4814. In mid 1955, the changing face of the music is starting to become apparent as Wynonie Harris sees meager sales of his records, but still maintains good interest in his personal appearances among adults who know of his success for the past decade. But - it is the teenagers of America who are becoming the wave of the future in record sales and demand for his live performances wanes. King Records keeps at it with a September release of "Man's Best Friend" and "Wine, Wine, Sweet Wine" on # 4826. In November Harris appears in Buffalo with George "Hound Dog" Lorenz big R & B revue also starring Charlie & Ray, The Jacks, and Etta James. In late November King issues "Shot Gun Wedding" and "I Don't Know Where To Go" on # 4839. King Records closes out the year with a double re-release of "Bloodshot Eyes" and "Good Morning Judge" on # 4852.
The club dates have stopped and he has not recorded any new material in a long time despite the steady flow of recordings from King. The label drops him and Harris is out of music. Then in late 1956 his manager Jimmy Evans announces that Harris has signed with Atco Records after a decade with King and will attempt a return to the R & B scene. In December Atco releases "Tell A Whale Of A Tale" and "Destination Love" on # 6081 which turns out to be their only recording with Harris. In May of 1957 King Records releases "Big Old Country Fool" and "That's Me Right Now" on # 5050, and follows that up with another one in the can with "A Tale Of Woe" and "There's No Substitute For Love" on # 5073. In February of 1959 King Records announces an LP called "Battle Of The Blues : Part Two" featuring Wynonie Harris and Roy Brown. Wynonie Harris also battled alcoholism for much of the time and this addiction also took its toll. In 1960 King again re-releases "Bloodshot Eyes" along with "Good Rockin Tonight" on # 5416. That same year Roulette Records also has a version of "(Don't Roll Those) Bloodshot Eyes (At Me)" and "Sweet Lucy Brown" on #4291. Harris spend the sixties running taverns in the New York area, and then moves out to the West Coast and does the same in Los Angeles, and then in Oakland, California. Wynonie Harris had one last recording session for Chess Records in 1964, but nothing was released in his lifetime from that date. His last appeareance was at a tribute to Black music in America in Santa Monica in 1966. Mister Blues died of throat cancer in June of 1969.
Once again we are lucky because of recording technology, the CD format,continuing interest by special product record labels, and Europe and Japan, for preserving a lot of the music that otherwise would be lost forever. There are a lot of CDs containing the work of Wynonie Harris that have survived his passing, and so his musical legacy lives on. The three most important works are the "Best Of . . . " package on Rhino that presents an overview of his work with the most memorable of his songs. It contains 18 tracks from his best years. A more completist package is the four disc 81 track "Rockin' The Blues" from Proper in the UK from 2001. The third set is a chronological retrospective of Harris and is from Jazz Classics in France. It comes in four volumes with from 20 to 25 tracks on each volume. They are "Wynonie Harris : 1944-45", "45-47", ""47-49", and "1950-52". Besides those three packages there are many other CDs available, many of them with song duplication on a large scale so a check of the tracks on each is warranted. "Best Of . . ." on Blues Forever-18 tracks from 2005; "Bloodshot Eyes" on UK Indigo-18 tracks from 1995; "Lovin' Machine" from UK Ace-26 tracks and its companion piece-"Whiskey, Women, and Fish Tails"-21 tracks; and two interesting releases on CD - "Do You Want To Rock?" on UK Ace just out featuring unreleased King and DeLuxe tracks; and "Good Rockin' Tonight" on Magic - 24 tracks 12 each by Wynonie and Roy Brown featuring their competing versions of the title tune.
Wynonie Harris with a penchant for hard partying and high times, lived the life he wanted despite its toll on his health. He is a true American original and is deserving just as much as anyone else you can name, as the "inventor" of rock 'n roll - the music that changed everything. "Mr. Blues" rules !
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Méga Rockin
Méga Rockin

Nombre de messages : 1289
Date de naissance : 13/08/1965
Age : 58
Localisation : Strasbourg
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2012

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyMar 18 Aoû 2015, 08:16

Un nouveau double CD vient de sortir (enfin je l'ai découvert ce WE): " Don't You Want To Rock"

WYNONIE HARRIS Wynonie-low_383_383
Beaucoup de versions inédites.

Wynonie Harris nous y confirme qu'il est bien un des plus grands.  
Un must pour ceux qui aiment ce shouter
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Boogie boy
Méga Rockin
Méga Rockin
Boogie boy

Nombre de messages : 4402
Date de naissance : 29/01/1971
Age : 53
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2007

MessageSujet: Re: WYNONIE HARRIS   WYNONIE HARRIS EmptyJeu 14 Mai 2020, 19:20

D apres plusieurs sources, Elvis aurait repris ce titre lors d un LOUISIANA HAYRIDE ...

Elvis se serait beaucoup inspiré dit on de son jeu de scene en plus de reprendre quelques titres ... Son producteur de l epoque témoigne :
"Quand on regardait Elvis, on voyait Wynonie en plus doux..." (Henry Glover, 1977)
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